My name is Jen and I help people to build a sustainable meditation practice, connect to their intuition, embody their innate wisdom and natural cycles.

  • Meditation Classes

    Drop-in to my weekly offering at Yoga Om. Monday nights 7:30-8:30pm starting January 2025.

  • MBSR

    'Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction'; the famous 8-week group course. A rigorously tested and evidence based blend of modern psychology and mindfulness meditation to help reduce the stress of daily life.

  • Private Mentoring

    Work with me 1:1 to build a sustainable meditation practice tailored to your lifestyle.

  • Workshops

    You are invited to work with me in a variety of different workshops in Perth and Margaret River, Western Australia.

  • Blue Lotus Tea

    A plant ally with ancient wisdom, we will drink Blue Lotus tea together in ritual where I will guide you through a personalised meditation dream journey, to enhance intuition and foresight.